Sunday, March 12, 2006

Mallory Grace Limburg

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Friday we welcomed Mallory Grace Limburg into our family. Jenny gave birth to her via C-section. Which was a blessing in disguise, since Mallory was breached, and had the cord around her neck.

She weighed in at 8 lbs 3 oz, and is 21 in long. She was born 7:45 am, March 10th 2006 at Corona Memorial Regional Medical Center (which is just a fancy name for a dinky clinic). We lucked out and got a private room, and I've been able to stay the nights there. I think I've gotten a total of 6 hours sleep over the last 3 days. Any who, I just came home to post some photos and give Connor a bath. I'm sure Jenny and my mom would like me back, so I gotta go.


mearzate said...

Congratualtions on the "New Edition" to the Limburg Familia, I am back on usng Blogspot again, so if you ever would like to see what's new you may do so. Also, I'll be at mom's this Sunday if you'll be there, I work at 5pm , but I can go for a while. Peace, Can't wait to see the little one.

mearzate said...

Dude, the 29th of Mrch is going to be one year since I started my Blogspot, So much crap has happened since then, some of it I hate, some of it I love, anyways such is life.