Saturday, August 25, 2007

Connor's first Rocket Launch

As many of you know, I travel a lot for work. So far this year I've flown over 80,000 miles on United alone... That means I'm away from the home too much. Luckily the kids miss me and want me home, and when I come home, it's time to play! Last week Connor called me and said "next year when you come home, lets build a rocket and I get to push the button". It was fantastic - especially the "next year" comment. It hurt my heart a little, because I know I need to be home more.

Any who - when I returned home we went and bought an Estes rocket kit - $26 with launch pad - everything we needed to launch our first rocket together. We built it that day!

Any way, as you can tell in the video, everything went well, and we recovered the rocket. The second launch the next day didn't go so well - the rocket is still missing.

1 comment:

Amy-Sue and Gian Del Bello said...

Yes, Dan...someone is reading your blog. We definately love catching up with your family! Miss ya guys. Looks like the rocket launch was a BLAST (no pun intended). Luckily you live where you can do that...Here in Long Beach you would have taken out the Queen Mary or something.