Saturday, December 05, 2009

Mr. Fix-It


My piano bench has been broken for months. The bottom has been sagging and the music books have been constantly falling out. Apparently Connor was sick of waiting for one of us to fix it and took matters into his own hands. He grabbed a wrench and a screwdriver and went to work. He removed the legs and a corner bracket, fitted the bottom back into the groove and screwed it all together. It's as good as new. Not only is he cute, but quite handy too.

When he was done I asked him:

"So Connor, are you going to tell dad that you fixed the bench because you were tired of waiting for him to do it?"

He said, "No mom. I don't want to hurt his feelings."


Melissa said...

Oh my goodness, that is priceless! The whole darn story!

Sara said...

Connor rules for the fixing and for the rice and bacon dinner. He is sure shaking things up this year. I'm still trying to get over the noodles and bacon dinner last year. Happy Birthday Conn i mean Dr. Two Brains. We miss you guys.