Sunday, October 30, 2005

At Megan's school they held a parade for everyone who dressed up. Megan didn't stop talking about it all day long. Posted by Picasa

Megans Friend Sabrina is the perfect Snow White. Posted by Picasa

Amidst tears, the kids reluctantly held still long enough for us to take this photo. Posted by Picasa

Connor got lost in the bounce house. The power turned off, and it started to deflate. He was laughing as the walls came down around him. Posted by Picasa

Megan the daredevil, climbed on just long enough for me to take this photo. Posted by Picasa

Never ones to turn down a ride that spins in circles. Connor and Megan never wanted this ride to stop. Posted by Picasa

Riding that Train high on ... Casey Jones you better watch your speed. Trouble ahead, trouble behind... Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 24, 2005

I don't think the kids have ever been more excited about carving pumkins than they were this year! Megan couldn't stop talking about it, and Connor just wanted to take out all the seeds. He was a bit sad when the pumpkin ran out of seeds. Jenny is starting to show, she is 4 1/2 months along. Posted by Picasa

We've been running the Mrs. Potato head style pumpkin for almost 5 years now. Megan won't let us stop. Posted by Picasa

With spooky cob webs the front door is now complete! Posted by Picasa