Friday, November 06, 2009

Internet Chain Mail

My friend just forwarded me an email about a very sweet story. It was a story about the kindness that we find in others during hard times. It was very inspirational and I even teared up. And then I get to the bottom of the email and the good feeling is gone.

Am I really a bad person if I don't forward this story? Will I have bad luck for 7 years? Am I not a "real" Christian if I don't forward this email? Am I being too touchy?

Don't get me wrong, I like getting emails and stories from my friends. I know they didn't put those ultimatums at the end. Those stories have made me laugh and cringe and cry, but if I do forward one it won't have any requirements attached.


Melissa said...

I know what you mean. If I choose to forward something, I usually delete the yucky part at the bottom. It just torks me that those blurbs get attached.

Sara said...

hear hear!